Huskies and the Hound Managing Stubborn Siberian Huskies and a Hound with a Little Dog Training

Huskies and the Hound Our Siberian Huskies and the Basset Hound Pug Mix.

Our family has three dogs - two Siberian Huskies and a Bassett Hound Pug mix, all boys. Huskies are one of the most beautiful dogs; with those blue eyes and thick, fluffy, double coat. My huskies are notorious for being escape artists and stubborn to boot. We had no choice but to get them some training. The stubborn hound isn't any better... we needed just as much training as they did, if not more!

In this blog, we will discuss how we care for our multiple dogs. Fair warning: our methods may not work for everyone, so please do your own research on what would work best for your dog. Every dog is different and unique and so are their owners. What works for one dog may not work for another.

For us, we taught our dogs real-world training, not the type of training you see in the AKC dog shows, but the type of training for the average person. This is to say we just wanted our dogs to listen, not be prissy show dogs.

What we trained our dogs:

  • Potty training - No poop in the house!
  • No chewing things in the house/Not to eat the walls (Yes, they will eat the walls!)
  • Walk on/off leash
  • Sit
  • Come
  • Stay - Usually
  • The word "No" - This is a command to make them STOP whatever it is they are doing.
  • The word "Ok" - This is a release word for allowing them to continue what they were doing.

We are writing this blog to demonstrate that it is possible to enjoy your stubborn husky, hound, or any dog with just a little training. Your life will be so much better if you didn't have to worry about your dogs destroying your property or running out in the street with cars or the many other frustrating things that dogs do.

I hope that we can inspire you to have well-behaved happy dogs as we do :)

~ Huskies and The Hound